

Showing all 6 results

Coffee Plant

You might be surprised to know the same plant that grows your morning coffee beans is a popular, low maintenance houseplant!…

Focused by Fredi

Roughly half a cup of coffee's worth of natural caffeine, extracted from green coffee beans which promote energy, brain function, and mood.…

Peperomia Obtusifolia

The Peperomia obtusifolia, also known as the Baby Rubber Plant, is an easy-going houseplant characterized by its thick, succulent-like green leaves.…

Pilea Peperomioides

The Pilea peperomioides is also known as the Pancake Plant or UFO Plant because of its quirky, coin-shaped leaves.…

Snake Plant Laurentii

Beautiful tiger tongue tree. show strong and strong development. It is also a plant that can release oxygen and at night helps you and your…

ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant is characterized by its waxy green leaves above the surface of its potting mix, and its large potato-like rhizomes underneath.…